Leaving Care Solutions implements Safer Recruitment practices which ensure all staff are appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced to deliver a safe, high quality service.
Pre-employment checks
We carry out pre-employment checks that comply with Ofsted-regulated standards, including:
- DBS (enhanced for anyone directly involved in service delivery) and barred list checks. Under no circumstances will anyone who is barred or whose previous conduct indicates they may be a risk to young people/vulnerable adults be employed on the contract
- Sight of original documentation to verify qualifications
- Directly contacting references to check authenticity
- Full employment history, including any gaps and why previous employment working with young people/vulnerable adults ended
- Fitness for work assessment
- A DBS check schedule will be provided to the Council upon contract commencement, and updated annually or automatically as staffing changes occur.

All staff complete mandatory safeguarding training. For direct delivery staff, we provide an enhanced level of safeguarding training which includes child protection, adults at risk, risk assessment, escalation procedures, CSE, additional vulnerabilities of children/adults with disabilities, FGM, county lines, and safeguarding young people against extremism/radicalisation.
Our comprehensive safeguarding policies are fully compliant with ‘Working Together 2018’ and local Safeguarding Children and Adults Board protocols. Our dedicated Safeguarding and Quality Assurance teams work with local staff to regularly review and update our policies. All staff are trained in these policies and are knowledgeable in identifying and reporting safeguarding concerns.
Placement Planning
We work with referrers to ensure relevant information is shared (through GDPR-compliant protocols) regarding the young person’s background and known risks. This informs the matching process for young people entering group living accommodation, ensuring they can be placed alongside other young people safely.
As part of placement planning, a full risk assessment and risk management plan is developed, involving the young person, their Social Worker/Personal Advisor and any relevant partner agencies. This ensures clear strategies are in place to keep the young person, other residents, staff and the local community safe. Plans are specific to the young person’s individual needs/risks (as identified in the Placement Referral Form), but may include:
- CSE/criminal exploitation – staff are trained to identify and respond to signs of potential exploitation, including notifying the Local Authority of any concerns. We also conduct focused work to help young people understand the risks, and build protective factors that will safeguard them against sexual/criminal exploitation
- Going missing – the Philomena Protocol will be shared and reviewed with the Social Worker within 5 days (or completed if not done previously). Any missing episode will be reported in line with the Philomena Protocol, attempts will be made to locate the young person and ensure their safe return, and we will support the return/prevention interview process (e.g. providing an appropriate adult)
- Locality-based – a Locality Risk Assessment will be obtained for every approved property (updated every 2 years). This ensures all potential risks around crime data, exploitation risk and land risks have been considered prior to a young person being placed, helping to keep them safe
- Unsafe relationships/association with negative peers – information shared by the referrer will identify family and friends the young person is to have safe contact with, which our service will help to facilitate. Drawing upon our range of properties nationwide, we are able to offer out of area placements where placing the young person at a distance from negative associates would help keep them safe. We also work with young people to develop their awareness of positive relationships and what support is available if they feel unsafe
- Online safety – staff are trained to monitor young people’s online safety, whilst respecting their right to privacy. We carry out focused work that enables young people to understand online safety risks, and learn how to keep themselves safe (e.g. not sharing their address/phone number with people they don’t know).
Focused work is provided by the allocated Keyworker to enable young people to develop awareness and skills for keeping themselves safe. This could include strategies for reducing risk-taking behaviours (e.g. offending, going missing), staying safe online and recognising healthy/unhealthy relationships.

Support & Independence
Personalised support planning identifies areas where young people will benefit most, ensuring individual plans are appropriate and targeted.

At LCS, we will only place young people in accommodation that we and our family would be happy to live in.

Quality & Monitoring
We hold ISO-9001 Quality Assurance accreditation to evidence our commitment to the highest quality standards and continual improvement.