Individual Supported Living
The property will not have 24/7 staffing, but young people are given contact numbers they can call (including out of hours), so that a support helpline and emergency call out service are available 7 days a week, 365 days per year.
Each young person will receive a minimum of 5 hours support per week, with additional hours provided where an assessment of the young person’s needs requires this (agreed in conjunction with the Social Worker/Personal Advisor).
Aims & Objectives
Support hours will be utilised to address the specific needs of the individual young person, but could include focused work to:
- Increase safety and reduce risks (e.g. involvement in crime/gang activity, risks of exploitation)
- Improve physical and/or mental health
- Access and engage in suitable education, training and employment opportunities
- Access local community activities and groups
- Engage with specialist services that can help address a particular need (e.g. substance misuse services)
- Develop independence skills, helping the young person build confidence and skills to live independently
- The number of support hours can be stepped down/reduced at an appropriate pace (as agreed with the young person and Local Authority), allowing the young person to work towards independent living once our service ends.

Working in partnership
Our Support Workers work in partnership with relevant partner agencies to ensure coordinated support that addresses the young person’s range of needs. Examples include Youth Justice Service, CAMHS, Health, education and employment providers, specialist substance misuse services, and local community sector organisations. We maintain ongoing communication to ensure appropriate information is shared (in accordance with GDPR), avoiding duplication and ensuring all agencies are working to achieve shared outcomes for the young person.

Where a young person has moved on to independence but it has been assessed that they would benefit from further support, LCS is able to offer time-limited floating support to help the young person settle in and be equipped for independent living.

Shared Living
We have a robust matching process so that young people can live safely and happily as a group. Young people in our shared houses are provided with a minimum of 5 hours support each week to achieve independence and support is adjusted according to the changing needs of the young person.

Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers
A specialised support package is put in place based on the individual needs of the young person. This can be as simple as improving health and wellbeing, working on the young person’s stability and building up their supportive network by engaging the young person in GP services.